The camera cuts to a gleaming corner Texaco station. A car pulls up to the pumps, and immediately a group of four nattily-uniformed attendants descend on it like a SWAT team – checking the oil, washing the windows, checking the tires, pumping the gas. A perfect evocation of the Golden Age of Service Stations.
Being born in the early 60’s, I caught the tail end of this classic era. By that time, roughly 1968 to ’73, the “team” of attendants usually consisted of one person, who may or may not have been in uniform. Certainly, they pumped your gas (six bucks to fill up my Dad’s 4-door, 3700-pound Chevy Impala), usually they washed the windshield, and most of the time they were happy to check the oil and tires as well, though they would ask first about those. When all was said and done, they’d disappear for a minute or two and show back up with a little plastic clipboard, my Dad’s credit card sticking up out of a little slot, receipts (in carbon triplicate) ready for signing.
I thought it might be fun to relive that long past era when gas stations were truly “service stations” with a look at some of the major gasoline brands as seen through some of their old marketing photos. Gas station architecture is a fascinating genre unto itself, ranging from crude, early stations with curbside pumps to the elaborate mini-Roman temples of the 1930’s. Our focus here will be on stations from the 1960’s, for two reasons – first, a decent number of them still exist, albeit with heavy modifications and rarely under their original brands, and secondly, I’m sure that some of you remember these great stations in their heyday. This post isn’t intended to be a comprehensive history in any sense of the word - there are many fine websites and excellent books exclusively devoted to the subject. Two books in particular were tremendously helpful to me – The Gas Station In America, a fascinating study by University of Illinois professors John A. Jakle & Keith A. Sculle, covering the industry’s earliest years through roughly 1990, and Gas Stations, a pictorial book that I’ve owned and loved for years, by oil company historians/collectors Wayne Henderson and Scott Benjamin.
We’ll start off with a nice night shot, featuring a Sunoco station, circa 1960. The impeccably dressed lady tosses a sly glance back at…the Sunoco pump, undoubtedly on her way to a major civic event, or maybe the local premiere of the latest Hollywood blockbuster - in Technicolor and Super Panavision.
Sunoco was a bit different from its competitors, as it offered (as the pump says) “custom blending” of its gasolines, allowing customers to select, via a dial, from a variety of octane levels. Today, multiple grades of gas at one pump are the industry, but at the time it was a major advance. (Even now, six grades of gas at one pump is virtually unheard of.) A model of this pump now sits in the Smithsonian Institution.
The Sun Oil Company was founded in 1890 in Ohio, and opened its first gas station 30 years later. By 1940, according to authors Jakle and Sculle, there were 9,000 Sunoco stations. In the 50’s, the company slumped a bit until the advent of custom blending, a perfectly-timed innovation for an era when automotive performance was the name of the game. In 1968, Sun purchased Tulsa-based Sunray DX Oil Company, and for years operated stations under both the Sunoco and DX brands. Eventually, Sunoco withdrew from the West and much of the South, but they remain a major player in many Eastern markets.

Needless to say, these developments shook the American economy to its very core. At the very least, it signaled the end of an era in gasoline marketing – before long, stations split their pump islands into “Full Serve” and slightly cheaper “Self Serve” categories. Before that time the average American, unless they’d worked at a service station, had never touched a gas pump in their life. Now elderly ladies in their church dresses were filling up their own cars. Within a few years, the “Full Serve” category largely disappeared altogether, except in two states that were notable exceptions by law. Gas station owners, desperate to maintain profits, sold off their tow trucks and converted their service bays to retail space. They quickly learned that selling Cokes and Snickers bars was more lucrative than changing oil or rotating tires.
Now to the station pictured above, the modernized DX sign is looking sharp on this sunny 1962 day. According to Jakle and Sculle, the Sunray Mid-Continent Oil Company engaged branding experts Lippincott and Margulies (still a vital player in that business today) to update the somewhat prosaic D-X image, dropping the apostrophe and jazzing up the colors and lettering style.
Even sharper and more modern is the station itself, a special prototype called “the circle”. (A space-age marvel - or are those light fixtures meant to suggest tennis rackets? Oh, the mystery of it all!) I’m not sure how many of these were built, but suffice it to say that most stations sporting the snazzy new DX signs were of far more conventional design.
Founded in 1929 as the Sunray Oil Company, the firm “became a fully integrated petroleum company”, according to Jakle and Sculle, 24 years later upon merging with the Mid-Continent Petroleum Company, with DX (previously Diamond-X, then D-X) stations spread throughout the plains states and the Midwest, followed by a push into the mid-south in the 1960’s.
In 1972, the company was acquired by Sun Oil Company, and for a number of years following, the DX brand prevailed in the west and the Sunoco brand in the east, generally speaking. (The OPEC crisis, as the authors point out, would force Sun to dump a great many stations of both brands.) Beginning in the early 1980’s, Sun began a gradual phase-out of the DX brand, replacing it with the Sunoco nameplate in some cases and vacating selected markets altogether in others.

Ten of those companies were assigned territory rights to use the Standard Oil name in a specific marketing area. They included Standard Oil(s) of New Jersey (Esso), of New York (Mobil), of Indiana (Amoco), of Ohio (Sohio), of Kentucky, of California (Chevron), of Louisiana and of Nebraska. Three of the ten chose to go with other names instead of “Standard” - Continental Oil Company (Conoco) in the Rocky Mountain area, Philadelphia-based Atlantic Refining Company and Missouri-based Waters-Pierce Oil Company. Other notable companies spun off from the Trust included The Ohio Oil Company (Marathon) and Chesebrough Manufacturing Co., makers of Vaseline petroleum jelly (later merged with cold cream manufacturer Pond’s Extract Co., to form Chesebrough –Pond’s).
Before long, the eight firms that used the “Standard Oil” trademark sought to expand beyond their court-assigned territories, spurring frequent, exasperating litigation over the use of the name. To avoid this, the development of secondary trademarks became necessary. Standard Oil of California, for example, used the “Chevron” name outside of their assigned area. Over the decades, as the companies realized the distinctiveness and growing brand equity of these secondary trademarks, most ultimately discontinued the use of “Standard” and went with the secondary trademark across the board, save for the odd Standard station here and there to maintain legal trademark rights.
Standard Oil of Ohio, operator of the station pictured above in 1964, traced its roots way back to 1870, making it the oldest of the Standard Oil companies. The “Sohio” brand (a contraction of the company’s full name), the market leader in its namesake state through much of the 20th century, debuted in 1928.
Unable to use their brand name beyond Ohio borders (because of the “So” portion – S.O. meaning Standard Oil, of course) under legal pressure from neighboring Standard Oil of Indiana and Standard Oil of Kentucky, the company was compelled to come up with another trademark for expansion purposes. In 1956 the “Boron” nameplate was introduced for the purpose of “invad(ing) markets in Michigan, Kentucky and Pennsylvania conveniently served by the company’s refineries”, per Jakle and Sculle. Boron, “the element of tomorrow” as Time magazine described it in 1957, was adapted for use as a mileage-enhancing gasoline additive by Standard Oil of Ohio, who also sold it to Richfield Oil and DX. The Boron stations’ logotype and identity matched that of the Sohio stations.
Sohio was one of the most effective operators of interstate highway locations, with classier-than-average truckstops (with names like "Stop 250", depending on the exit number) and several locations with integral Stouffer’s restaurants. Now much better-known for frozen foods, Cleveland-based Stouffer’s was a respected restaurant operator for decades. In the Chicago area, for example, they operated a restaurant at Oakbrook Center (Stouffer’s Oakbrook) and one at Woodfield Mall (The Rusty Scupper), among several others.
“Land-locked” and “crude-short”, as Jakle and Sculle put it, Sohio entered into a unique agreement with BP Oil in 1968, where BP assumed 25 percent ownership of the company in return for giving Sohio access to its Alaskan crude oil reserves. The “unique” aspect was the part of the agreement that gave BP majority ownership once the Alaskan operation began to produce 600,000 barrels per day, which occurred in 1984. Three years later, BP acquired the rest of Sohio, including 5,600 recently-purchased Gulf stations in the southeast. The Pennsylvania-based Boron stations and some 1,000 Sohio stations were divested by government order. In 1991, all the company’s stations assumed the BP name.

Jakle and Sculle point out, interestingly, that neither Standard Oil of New York (Mobil) or the Atlantic Refining Company tried to stop Jersey’s use of the Esso brand as the company eagerly expanded into their territories. This most certainly wasn’t the case with Standard Oil of Indiana or Standard Oil of Kentucky, who were anything but placid on the matter, vehemently contesting any use of the Esso name in their markets in court. While Arkansas and Louisiana were ultimately opened to the Esso brand, Jersey was forced to market under different names nearly everywhere else they chose to go. (Note: I’m not referring to Jersey’s non-U.S. operations here. Esso was a very well-known international brand, and to this day ExxonMobil uses the name in selected markets, including Canada and the UK.)
As it turned out, they chose to go almost everywhere else. For this purpose, Jersey opened stations under the names of subsidiaries, some of which were companies they had bought out through the years. In 1960, for example, per Jakle and Sculle, they operated under the following names: Humble (Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Ohio), Carter (the Plains states and the Pacific Northwest), Oklahoma and Pate (Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky) and of course, Esso (the original six Atlantic coast region states, plus Pennsylvania, New York, all of New England, Arkansas and Louisiana).
In the late fifties, Jersey consolidated its U.S. marketing operations under the Humble Oil and Refining Company division, signified eventually by the addition of the name “Humble” on the face of the gas stations, a secondary brand of sorts. For the stations’ main brands (i.e.: the name on the tower signs and on the pumps), it remained Esso where permissible, but the Carter, Pate and Humble brands were discarded in favor of a new brand called “Enco” (except in Ohio, where Humble was still used), rendered in the familiar Esso font, enveloped with the familiar blue oval. “Enco” was shorthand for “World’s Largest ENergy COmpany”.
Enco is the brand I remember as a young kid in the Chicago area, and it’s the brand Jersey was forced to use for its expansion into California in the 1960’s. Curiously, when the company later began to expand into the Southeast, they were frequently able to use the Esso name. Despite the name difference, by the early 1960’s the company had a fairly unified marketing “look” for the first time, from station appearance to TV advertising, starring their extremely popular tiger mascot in the long-running “Put a Tiger in Your Tank” campaign.
As the 1970’s approached, however, it was clear that Jersey needed a uniform identity across the entire company, name included. As Jakle and Sculle point out, “The Enco brand created little excitement” among consumers (or as Gordon Gekko would say, “It put their feet to sleep”), and no expense was spared in developing and testing a new name to carry the company forward. This process was actually underway for a good many years before the debut of the company’s new name and Raymond Loewy-designed logo in December 1972, when the name “Exxon” was finally unveiled. In 1998, in the largest merger in history, the largest company in the world (at the time) was created when Exxon and Mobil merged to form…well, ExxonMobil. (Don’t you just love these conjoined names?) Some stations had to be sold off to satisfy antitrust regulators, but suffice it to say, they’re big. And as I understand, profitable.
The photo above depicts a great-looking Esso station circa 1961. The futuristic awning and canopy are definitely a step up from typical designs of the period. This is one of the few photos in this post where we might actually be able to nail down a location, if not from the station’s unique appearance, then maybe from the shopping center in the background. Let’s see…I can make out a W.T. Grant store and a Kroger…and maybe an Eckerd Drugs, but I’m not sure of that. Someone please help us out here!

According to authors Jakle and Sculle, the combined Socony-Vacuum company “supplied some 37,000 branded outlets in twenty-nine states”, garnering a whopping 34 percent of the New York market and a (still highly respectable) 7 to 19 percent elsewhere in the territory. By 1960, “Mobilgas” and “Mobiloil”, products of what was now known as the Socony Mobil Oil Company, could be found for sale in 42 states. In 1966, the company name was officially changed to Mobil Oil Corporation.
(On a peripheral note, Mobil Chemical introduced the Hefty Bags product line that year, introducing the Mobil name to supermarkets everywhere, and setting the stage for the dreaded “Hefty-Hefty Cinch Sak!” commercials.)
That same year, Mobil introduced one of the most remarkable gas station designs in the history of the industry. “At a time when other companies were disguising their oblong-box stations with fake roofs and false stone, Mobil commissioned a purely modern design”, wrote Chester H. Liebs in his book Main Street to Miracle Mile: American Roadside Architecture. The man responsible for Mobil’s new look was Eliot Noyes, whom Business Week magazine described in 2007 as “the forgotten father of corporate design”. Three “experimental” stations were built in 1966, one of which is pictured above.
The new stations were “designed to be profitable places while contributing to the beautification of our highways” according to Mobil’s 1966 annual report, which described the design as following “a distinctive circular theme…established by the cylindrical pumps, the Flying Red Horse in its white disc, and the red “O” in the Mobil sign (designed by Ivan Chermayeff and Tom Geismar, under Noyes’ direction, and introduced the previous year), as well as by the circular canopies used at many locations. The new design was a smashing success – 55 additional units were slated for 1967, with hundreds to follow in the years after that. One wishes it would have started a modernist trend in the industry, but I don’t see where the evidence supports that. Many of the stations survive, albeit many of the circular canopies have been replaced with standard types, and virtually all of the magnificent cylindrical pumps bit the dust long ago, replaced by modern multi-grade pumps. At least they haven’t announced plans to change the “M” in Mobil to a lower case letter. Yet.
(On an even more peripheral note, a very cash-rich Mobil bought out retailing legend Montgomery Ward and Company in the early 1970’s. Sordid details on that here.)
By 1990, Jakle and Sculle point out in their book, Mobil trimmed their operating territory back to 30 states, heavily concentrated in their native Northeast, the Midwest, Florida, Texas and California . In 1999, Mobil and Exxon, the two largest ex-Standard Oil companies, merged (I was going to say “as part of an alarming trend” here, but decided to hold off on that kind of thing.) to form ExxonMobil, the largest oil company in the world and the third largest company overall in 2011. Both trade names remain very much active.

When this photo was taken, in 1968, the famed “torch and oval” was a familiar sight across virtually the entire continental U.S., including the then recently-entered west coast market. (They didn’t stay there long, however.) At that time, the company marketed under the Standard nameplate in their original 14-state Midwest territory and as American east and west of there. Prior to 1960, stations in the “American” regions went under the nicknames of companies acquired over the years by Standard Oil of Indiana – Amoco (American Oil Company), Utoco (Utah Refining Company) or Pan-Am (Pan American Petroleum and Transport Company).
Starting out with one of the largest ‘post-Standard Oil breakup’ territories, Indiana Standard didn’t really become an industry power player until the 1960’s, under the no-nonsense leadership of John E. Swearingen, who referred to his new charge as “a second rate company in many respects” in an interview upon assuming the top job there. Swearingen pushed the company into offshore drilling and foreign sourcing, and also ramped up the company’s marketing efforts. Under his watch, Indiana Standard became “the envy of the industry”, according to the New York Times obituary published upon his 2007 passing. Swearingen was the oil industry’s most visible top executive during the turbulent energy crisis years of the 70’s, and arguably its staunchest defender.
In the mid-70’s, the company simplified things a bit, renaming all of its stations “Amoco”, a familiar name from their storied past. Amoco Corporation, as the company was later renamed, was bought by BP Oil in 1998, and within a couple of years stations everywhere assumed the BP name. Today at least one Amoco trademark survives – “Ultimate”, their 1980’s-era moniker for super-premium gasoline.
Thinking back, one advertising slogan stands out in my mind – “You expect more from Standard – and you get it!” (You non-Midwesterners can substitute “American” for “Standard”. Makes sense now, right?) This phrase was uttered in commercials over the years by everyone from gas station attendants to cartoon characters, but most famously by Johnny Cash in 1972 or so, near the height of his fame and decked out in his trademark black, guitar in hand. If it was good enough for the Man in Black, that’s good enough for me.

In 1981, Conoco became a division of chemical giant E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company as part of a takeover defense against Seagram Company Ltd., the famed distillery firm, which was very active in the acquisitions game at the time. (Plans to rebrand their gasoline grades “Crown Royal” and “Seven-and-Seven” were discarded at this point.) At the end of the day, Seagram still ended up with a huge chunk of DuPont stock for their efforts. In 1998, DuPont spun Conoco off, and four years later the company merged with Phillips Petroleum Company to form ConocoPhillips. Conoco and Phillips stations continue to operate as separate brands.
The Denver-area station above dates from circa 1961, and is a fine example of the “oblong box” style of gas station design, as defined by Jakle and Sculle in their book. It was called the ‘oblong box’ because…well, look at the picture! The multi-colored glass panels are a particularly nice touch.

The Atlantic Refining Company, another original descendant of Standard Oil, was initially “restricted to Pennsylvania and Delaware where it had the right to use the Standard brand”, per Jakle and Sculle. Over time, the company became a true “Atlantic” operation, with stations spanning the coast, from the New England states to Florida and nearly everywhere in between. In 1969, three years after the Atlantic-Richfield merger, the company bought out Sinclair, adding 22,000 stations. This nearly bridged the geographical divide between the 8,300 Atlantic stations and the 4,400 Richfield stations, but also resulted in considerable overlap. Eventually, nearly half the Sinclair stations would be sold off to placate antitrust rulings, including a big chunk to BP (“giving BP a chain of stations all the way from Maine to Florida”, according to Jakle and Sculle), and oddly, all of the “midcontinent” Sinclair stations as well. A new Sinclair Oil Company, the authors point out, would emerge from the dust.
In June 1970, Atlantic Richfield introduced the “Arco” brand as a replacement for the Atlantic, Richfield and Sinclair nameplates. The new look centered around a common logo, a navy blue bar with the Arco name in white and the new Arco symbol, called “The Spark” in red. The company’s gasolines would now go by the “ARCO” and “ARCOSupreme” names. A year-long program was launched to update signage on 24,000 company stations, including (I’m sure) yet another sign for the station pictured above.
In the late 90’s the Atlantic brand reappeared briefly on the east coast, when Arco sold off a large number of stations to Sunoco, who operated them under the Atlantic nameplate. In 2000, Arco was bought out by BP, and today the Arco name exists mainly on the West Coast as a “no frills” operation. The “am/pm” mini-markets, introduced by Arco in the late ’70’s, continue to operate as a BP brand.
I well remember the transition from Atlantic to Arco, as one of my Dad’s childhood friends owned an Atlantic station literally around the corner from my grandparents in North Smithfield, Rhode Island. We’d visit there every summer for weeks (my grandparents’ house, not the gas station), and one year, the Atlantic signs disappeared and Arco signs, of course, had taken their places. It was a somewhat startling early lesson for an 8 year old in the way of the world (things change), and at least partly responsible for beginning my lifelong fascination with retail history. I guess you could say it “sparked” my interest. (Smiley face with tongue sticking out - can’t bring myself to use emoticons on this thing!)

A big move came in 1959, when the company bought out the Detroit-based Aurora Gasoline Company. Not only did they pick up some 600 “Speedway 79” stations in the state of Michigan, bringing their companywide total to 3,300 units, but they gained a striking architectural image for their gas stations. The new Speedway 79 prototype, distinguished by a blue porcelain-glazed brick finish and an “illuminated plastic header” would be adapted as the “blue brick” Marathon design, several of which survived into the 1980’s. (The “Speedway” name was then retired, to be brought back years later.) This design can be seen on the highway-located station above, pictured in a circa 1965 photo, although natural brick was used on this particular unit. In 1962, the company name was officially changed to Marathon Oil Company.
Marathon endeared itself to me as a kid in the early 70’s with a promotional giveaway of “B.C.” comic character glasses (A huge favorite of mine. Their Fawcett paperback books were 50 cents each at the time, as were Peanuts books. They would spiral in price throughout the 70’s due to paper costs.) and Fire-King mugs. The giveaway motivated me to relentlessly bug my mom to fill up there, with occasional success.
As in Conoco’s case, an unfriendly takeover attempt spurred the sale of the company. The year was 1982, and the unwelcome suitor in this case was Mobil Corporation. The hero of the story was United States Steel Corporation, which acquired Marathon, folding it into a new corporate entity called USX four years later. As a testament to the enduring strength of the Marathon brand, when USX sold off its steel operations in 2001, the entire company was renamed Marathon Oil Corporation. Today, the company remains a major player in the Chicago area and far-flung other markets with the Marathon brand and a stable of Speedway superstations. As mentioned, the SuperAmerica brand was sold off last year.
I’m still waiting for them to come out with a new set of B.C. glasses. Or better still, to bring back the “illuminated plastic headers”.

In this case, the “Standard stations” I’m referring to are those sporting the familiar red, white and blue “Chevron” logo, the hallmark of Standard Oil of California. One of the “newer” divisions of the behemoth Standard Oil (having been founded in 1906, just five years before the big breakup), Standard Oil of California was initially denied permission to open gas stations in the City of Los Angeles, according to Jakle and Sculle, “on the grounds that they would be hazardous and unsightly and reduce property values in the city”. (I wish I could say I find this surprising, but I don’t.) Entry came in 1912, when the company bought National Supply Stations, Inc., which also gave them a presence in San Diego, San Francisco and Oakland. Growth was swift from that point, the authors point out, with 2,200 stations in California, Oregon and Washington by 1925, and “all stations sported the company’s distinctive Chevron logo”.
Like the other former Standard Oil companies, Standard of California was forced to use other trademarks when expanding outside their original court-assigned territory. Somehow, I think this task may have been easier for them than for the other ex-Standard Oil companies, given the aforementioned distinctiveness of the Chevron symbol and the suitability of the symbol’s name, “Chevron” for a brand. “Shell” would fit in the same category. By the mid 20th century, they were marketing under three brand names – on the West Coast (the original territory) under Standard, and in the Rockies, the Southwest and the Northeast under the Chevron and Calso (which stood for California Standard Oil – see, you’re figuring this out!) banners.
In 1961, Standard Oil of California bought out one of its brethren, Standard Oil of Kentucky or “Kyso”, which according to Jakle and Sculle had little production capability and was almost strictly “a marketing company” that bought 98 percent of its product from Standard Oil of New Jersey (Esso), who weren’t too thrilled about the merger for obvious reasons. In fact, it spurred an attempt by Jersey Standard to launch the Esso brand in California, which was defeated in court. What Kyso did have was Standard branding rights in several critical Southeastern markets, Florida included, and soon enough sleek “California-style” Standard stations began to pop up along southern interstate highways, whereas Kyso had concentrated on in-town locations previously.
In 1972, the company renamed itself Chevron Corporation, and over the next few years the Standard name was phased out in favor of the Chevron brand. Much has been made of the fact that a few stations here and there still bear the Standard name, all these years later, for the purpose of fulfilling the “use requirement” of trademark law. A return to the Standard brand name on any scale is highly doubtful, but it’s certainly a nice tribute.
In 1984, in what was supposedly the largest corporate merger at the time, Chevron acquired Gulf Oil, selling off many stations and converting the ones they retained to the Chevron brand. In 2001, another very famous brand came under their wing with the acquisition of Texaco. The corporate entity was renamed ChevronTexaco, but the “Texaco portion” was dropped in 2005. Both names are still used on the company’s stations.
Enough Standard Oil stuff, now back to the independents…

Los Angeles was the home turf of Union Oil Company of California, which was founded in 1890. Fifty years later, the company’s stations blanketed the Western states, to which they confined themselves until 1965 when they bought out Chicago-based Pure Oil Company, which had stores in the Upper Midwest, South and Atlantic states. Eventually, the 76 ball took the place of the Pure logo on these stations, and thus Chicago-area kids like myself looked forward to getting the mini styrofoam 76 “antenna balls” the stations occasionally gave away. (My Dad, fastidious about his cars, always took the darn things off his antenna the second we arrived home.) The 76 ball, which debuted at the Seattle World’s Fair in 1962, was redesigned the year after the above photo was taken, with the “Union” name removed and the “76” portion enlarged. Today “76” is a brand of ConocoPhillips, the color has shifted from orange to red, and the logo more often appears as a convex projectile on a standard sign than as a “ball”.
*Alanis Morissette reference, one per year allowed. Only 8 1/2 months to go until 2012!

Some thirty years later, Texaco decided the time had finally come to shift away from the Teague design in favor of some newer approaches. Pictured above, in a 1964 photo, is the Matawan, New Jersey location that served as the prototype for hundreds to follow. Known today as the “Matawan Texaco”, these stations are easily recognizable by their unique “sideways” mansard roofs. Usually, they featured fieldstone veneers, a notable upgrade from the white porcelain panels or painted block of the Teague era.
Officially known as The Texas Company from not long after its 1902 founding until 1959, Texaco “was the nation’s leading gasoline marketer and the only company to operate in every state” from 1935 to 1977, according to authors Jakle and Sculle. As such, Texaco was able to take advantage of national broadcast advertising like none of their industry counterparts could. And that’s exactly what did – plugging their Fire Chief (regular) and Sky Chief (premium) gasoline on the Texaco Star Theater on radio and later on TV. Texaco sponsored some of the biggest stars of the day, including Ed Wynn, Milton Berle, Jack Benny and later on, Bob Hope, whose TV specials were sponsored by Texaco well into the 1980’s. (I wonder how many cue cards it took to film those Havoline commercials.)
In 2001, Texaco merged with Chevron Corporation, the former Standard Oil of California, to form ChevronTexaco (the parent company has since reverted to the Chevron name), adopting the “Techron” brand for its gasolines. Stations continue to operate under both names, however. Interestingly, the two companies have a long history of working together, jointly forming Caltex (California Texas Oil Company) way back in 1936 to serve Australia and other international markets.
Taking another glance at the Matawan photo, I wonder what would have happened if they’d tested the concept in Brick, New Jersey – today we’d say “Hey, check out the Brick Texaco!” (They rarely used brick in the design.) Or maybe some Jersey alliteration would’ve done the trick- then we’d have the “Teterboro Texaco” or the “Totowa Texaco”. The “Teaneck Texaco”?

The story behind the entry of Shell, a Netherlands-based company, into the American market is interesting – formed in 1907 by the merger of a Dutch company, Royal Dutch Petroleum, and the British firm Shell Transport and Trading Ltd., Royal Dutch Shell, as its still known today, entered the United States five years later as a means of protecting its own markets at home. Concerned that Standard Oil would use the profits from its near-monopoly in the States to buy market share overseas, Shell determined the most effective way to combat the situation was to compete on Standard’s home turf by establishing an American presence, which they did in 1912. Shell’s initial foray into the U.S. market was on the West Coast, in the San Francisco, Portland and Seattle markets, head-to-head with Standard Oil of California.
By the end of the 1920’s, Shell had a substantial presence in the Midwestern and Eastern states as well. Forced to trim back their footprint in the depression years of the 1930’s, Shell’s growth exploded after World War II, reaching “9,300 outlets in some forty-one states” by 1990, according to Jakle and Sculle. Today, Shell is the world’s second-largest oil company, behind ExxonMobil.
Shell was also responsible for an iconic 1960’s product - the “No-Pest Strip”, shiny gold cardboard and beige plastic watchamacallits that hung from the ceilings of retirees’ kitchens everywhere. I don’t know how effective they were at repelling insects, but they certainly looked cool.
Back to the “ranch”, so to speak - it’s an inviting sight, don’t you agree? Almost makes you want to pull up an easy chair in front of the Sun Diagnostic Monitor and kick your feet up on the tire changer.

Founded in 1905, Richfield had a major presence on both coasts but for much of the mid-20th century these were run as two separate operations, under separate control. The West Coast Richfield area, covering everywhere west of the Rockies by the 60’s, was jointly controlled by Consolidated Oil (Sinclair) and Cities Service (later Citgo). The East Coast Richfield stations, from Maine to South Carolina, were directly owned by Consolidated from 1935 on. Those stations were rebranded with the Sinclair name in 1964. They following year, the Richfield Oil Corporation (the West Coast) merged with the Atlantic Refining Company to form the Atlantic Richfield Company. After a few years of operating under their original names, all Atlantic and Richfield stations were converted to the Arco banner, starting in 1970.
Richfield’s notoriety extended well beyond its territorial borders because of a key sponsorship deal that was in place for years, earning the company an enduring spot in the pop culture pantheon. From 1955 until 1970, the Richfield eagle flew over the Autopia car rides at America’s land of dreams, Disneyland. Kids from all over America and beyond returned home from The Happiest Place on Earth with Richfield Autopia “driver’s licenses” in their wallets. I’ll bet more than a few can still can be found today in attics everywhere – in a shoebox with the Mickey Mouse ears.

Further expansion in the Midwest came in 1970 when Ashland acquired the St. Paul, Minnesota-based Northwestern Refining Company, picking up nearly 400 gas stations in the transaction. Importantly, many of these were “SuperAmerica” units, the type of gasoline/convenience store superstation that would become the industry standard sooner than anyone realized at the time.
Growing up in the west suburbs of Chicago, I can remember a SuperAmerica station on Ogden Avenue in Brookfield. Right around our high school graduation in 1981, one of my friends bought a ten year old Chevy Nova. It was a beauty – a real hot rod, the kind you could smoke the tires on by just breathing on the gas pedal, or so it seemed. One summer day after filling up at the ol’ SuperAmerica, he did just that, leaving a cloud of smoke and a quarter inch of rubber on the gas station lot as he screeched back onto Ogden. Unfortunately, his (rather strict) father happened to pull up to the pumps there at the same instant. In short order, my friend was forced to sell the beloved Nova and buy a “more sensible” car. So sensible, in fact, that I can’t even remember what it was!
In 1998, Ashland pooled its retail gasoline unit with that of Marathon Oil in a joint venture called Marathon Ashland Oil Company, retaining just over one-third interest in the venture. The SuperAmerica operation was combined with Marathon’s Speedway superstation group. (The SuperAmerica name and 166 stations in Minnesota were sold to Northern Tier Energy in 2010.) In 2005, Marathon bought out Ashland’s share in the company, leaving Ashland to concentrate on its motor oil and plastics businesses.
Interestingly, one “plastics” business that Ashland had previously taken a long, hard look at buying was Foster Grant, the iconic manufacturer of sunglasses, a huge TV advertiser in the 1960’s and 70’s. Ashland even went so far as to mention it in their 1970 annual report, but the transaction fizzled. Too bad, because nothing made you look cooler on a summer day than a pair of Foster Grants – in a 1971 Nova, smoking your tires at the SuperAmerica.

A fading American memory is the original sign that sat on that very spot (and in smaller form on thousands of service stations throughout America) for decades prior to 1965. Here too was a triangle (actually a “Delta” symbol), green and framed by a shamrock-like outline. This was the symbol of Cities Service, the original identity of Citgo.
Cities Service, according to Jakle and Sculle, began as a “public service company that provided natural gas to customers in several northeastern metropolitan areas”. Oil was discovered as a byproduct of the company’s natural gas exploration, which ultimately led to a dedicated drilling and refining operation and of course, retail gasoline stations. Huge expansion followed, particularly in the southwest.
In 1965, Cities Service took a bold marketing step, scrapping their existing brand identity in favor of an “invented” word (ridiculously common in branding today, but a fairly novel idea at the time), “Citgo”, which Jakle and Sculle quote as standing for Cities Service (“Cit”), and “power, energy and progressive nature” (“go”). A massive ad campaign was undertaken, including the replacement of thousands of service station signs. The parent company would continue to use the Cities Service name and original logo for some years afterward.
That same year, the company bought out Boston-based Jenney Oil Company, gaining 450 New England-area stations in the deal. Some stations were sold off as well, according to Jakle and Sculle, including 2,300 Midwest-area stations to Gulf and a group of stations in western Pennsylvania, which would form the core of the Boron chain, owned by Standard Oil of Ohio.
In 1983 The Southland Corporation, parent of 7-Eleven, bought control of Citgo from Armand Hammer’s Occidental Petroleum Corporation, leading to a proliferation of Citgo pumps at 7-Eleven convenience stores all over, including many in the Chicago area that I don’t recall selling gas previously. (To this day the association continues in many locations.) Three years later, Southland sold half its interest to Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A., the state-owned Venezuelan oil company, who bought whole ownership of Citgo in 1990, leading to some exciting controversies that continue today.
Naming their stations after that most famous (now most famously defunct, of course) highway of them all – Route 66, “The Mother Road”, Phillips Petroleum Company began to sell gasoline in 1927. From the company’s home base in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, Phillips 66 stations would soon cover a swath “from New Mexico on the southwest to Minnesota on the north to Indiana in the east”, according to Jakle and Sculle. Phillips bought one company in 1947, Wasatch Oil of Utah, expanding their reach as far as Washington State. Later they bought the western operations of Tidewater Oil, an acquisition that gained them a presence along the Pacific Coast. The company’s eastern expansion continued as well, with Phillips opening “some 3,000 stations a year” (!) by the early 1960’s, the authors state.
Phillips was forced to trim back its territory to defend against a takeover advance by T. Boone Pickens, of latent alternative energy fame, who tried to gain control of the company in 1984. Pickens, an oilman whose career actually started with Phillips in the 1950’s, grabbed a multitude of headlines as a corporate raider in the 1980’s. Through his company, Mesa Petroleum, Pickens made a run at Unocal (Union 76), Cities Service (Citgo) and Gulf, among others. (I guess we might call this the original “Pickens Plan”.) Unsuccessful in his takeover attempts, he nonetheless walked away well compensated in most cases. In 2002, Phillips merged with Continental Oil Company to form ConocoPhillips, and the Phillips 66 shield continues to be a fixture of the American roadside.
The photo above, of an Anchorage, Alaska location circa 1964, depicts the classic Phillips prototype, always a strong personal favorite of mine. This design has interestingly (and wrongly) been credited to no less than Frank Lloyd Wright over the years because of the ever-so-slight resemblance of some design features to the lone gas station designed by Mr. Wright, which coincidentally happened to be a Phillips 66 unit. (I’m guessing Wright passed on the job because he was too busy working on the design for the Guggenheim. Or harmonizing till dawn with Art Garfunkel.)
Despite the fact that most existing examples haven’t sported the Phillips 66 brand in years, the unique features of these stations render them instantly recognizable – the distinctive latticework of the sign towers above all. Oftentimes these towers remain standing, even when the adjacent gas station has been radically altered or replaced altogether. (I’ve seen more than a few these standing with no sign at all on top – well-designed, rusty monuments that no one is willing to tear down.) The sharp-angled “V” canopies are another trademark. In only the rarest of cases would the red and white “semaphore” paint pattern have survived. The totem pole is unique to this particular Alaska location, of course. (And no, I don’t think that’s Russia in the background…but you never know.)
Looking sharp indeed is this Colorado Springs Skelly station, circa 1962. Skelly derived its name from its founder, William G. Skelly of Tulsa, Oklahoma, who started the company in 1919. Despite building “one of the nation’s best-integrated, best-run independents”, as Time magazine put it in 1948, Skelly lost control of his company to J. Paul Getty, in a convoluted, years-long struggle in which Getty ultimately wrested Skelly Oil, Tidewater Oil and Mission Corporation, their holding company, from Standard Oil of New Jersey (Esso), who controlled them at the time. In 1977, Skelly formally became part of Getty Oil, and eventually the stations were converted to the Getty name. Ultimately, many former Skelly stations became Texaco units.
My only personal recollection of Skelly had to do with a long-closed station. In the late 90’s, I had frequent occasion to visit a customer in Ardmore, Oklahoma. I would fly into Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, rent a car, and start the two-hour trek straight north on I-35 to Ardmore. I was always amazed at the roadside relics that lined the frontage roads along the interstate once you crossed over into Oklahoma. Restaurants, gas stations, you name it – all clearly abandoned, but in decent enough shape that you couldn’t help hoping someone would come along and fix the places up. I was familiar with the old Skelly logo from road maps and photos I’d seen, but one day (in a nearby town called Gene Autry, Oklahoma, I kid you not), I spied a porcelain Skelly sign hanging on a pole, next to a wreck of a station that had to have been abandoned for years. Two thoughts crossed my mind – “Wow, Oklahomans are really nice!” and “They’re not interested in petroleum collectibles”. The next time I traveled there the sign was gone, leaving me wishing I’d brought along a ladder and socket wrench on my earlier travels. You could bring anything on a plane in those days…
Another company that ended up in the Getty fold was Tidewater Oil Company, owner of the Flying A brand, pictured here in a circa 1958 photo of what I believe is a West Coast location. Tidewater originated in 1887 with stations on the East Coast eventually operating under the “Tydol” name. During the Depression years, Tidewater came under the control of Standard Oil of New Jersey (Esso), who folded it into a newly-created holding company, the abovementioned Mission Corporation. J. Paul Getty, through a series of stock maneuvers, took control of Tidewater in 1937.
It’s interesting to contrast “richest men in the world” during my childhood - the reclusive, mysterious Jean Paul Getty (and his even more reclusive, mysterious fellow billionaire Howard Hughes, who apparently sat around all day in a hermetically-sealed room, eating Baskin-Robbins) with the wealthiest people of the current day. At least we have an idea of what Warren Buffett and Bill Gates do, and what their lives are like. The 70’s were strange in some ways, for sure.
The following year, Getty bought San Francisco-based Associated Oil Company, originators of the Flying A trademark, and merged it with Tidewater. For a time the firm was known as the Tidewater Associated Oil Company. Eventually the Flying A brand superseded the Tydol and Associated names.
Two attempts to sell the West Coast portion of the business were made in the 1960’s. First up was Humble Oil and Refining Company, the operating division of Standard Oil of New Jersey, who hoped to convert the stations to Enco units. The purchase was spiked on antitrust grounds in 1963. The Enco name would show up in California, but Jersey Standard/Humble would have to build it up largely from scratch. Phillips Petroleum successfully tried to buy the division in 1966, and in short order the Flying A stations there were converted to the Phillips 66 banner.
In 1970, the East Coast Flying A stations were converted to the Getty name, and these later became part of Texaco as a result of that company’s very controversial purchase of Getty in 1984.
Well now, here’s an inviting sight if there ever was one – “Clean rest rooms”, “Cleanest windshields in town”, “Traveling? We will help you”…we see this kind of stuff all the time these days, right? If I bought gas there, I think my face muscles would become sore from smiling. And so it was back then, at least at your local Pure station in 1961.
The Pure Oil Company is another firm with Ohio roots, having started out, as Jakle and Sculle inform us, in 1920 as the “Ohio Cities Gas Company, the natural gas utility for Columbus, Springfield and Dayton.” Here again, as with Cities Service, crude was discovered as a result of drilling for natural gas, and the company found itself in the oil business. The “Pure” name came with the acquisition of a Minnesota-based company “with a chain of stations in Minnesota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin”. With operations in the Upper Midwest and in Ohio, Chicago became the logical location for the company’s headquarters, and in 1926 they moved into the magnificent Pure Oil Building at 35 East Wacker Drive, a landmark that still stands. In 1950, Pure opened a huge research and development center in Northwest suburban Crystal Lake, and in the early 60’s they moved from the downtown HQ to a sprawling new complex near what would become the site of Woodfield Mall. (Later on, this complex became the Midwest regional headquarters for Union Oil, which is how I remember it. I later learned it had a Palatine address, which struck me as strange.)
In the decades that followed, Pure moved heavily into the Southeast while at the same time, they departed the Pennsylvania and New York markets, selling them to Gulf. In 1952, Jakle and Sculle tell us, they bought out the Hickok Oil Corporation, picking up “1,300 Hi-Speed stations in Michigan and Ohio”.
Pure, whose gas pumps featured a sleek “Firebird” logo, was an innovative marketer, and one area in which they excelled was in their truck stop operation. A number of Pure stations and truckstops featured “Aunt Jemima Pancake House” restaurants, through a licensing agreement with the Quaker Oats Company.
In 1965, Union Oil Company of California and Pure Oil merged, operating stations under both names for some years, converting all to the 76 brand starting in 1969. In 1992, the Pure and Firebird names made a comeback when a group of independent southeastern oil marketers picked up the long defunct trademarks a formed a co-op to launch a new generation of Pure stations, with the presumed goal of a nationwide chain. Clean rest rooms, clean windshields and friendly travel advice may be the ticket!
Okay, this 1958 photo pre-dates our chosen range by a couple of years, and in fact the famous Gulf “ice box” design goes all the way back to late 1930’s, but there were probably more of these built than any single one of the later Gulf designs. It’s a sentimental favorite of mine for a couple of reasons. In my early years of business travel (starting in 1987, which is getting to be way too long ago), Knoxville, Tennessee was one of my frequent stops, and I can remember a Gulf ice box station downtown – a charming relic, which I believe survived until the Gulf name was phased out altogether in 1991. Also, one of my great-grandfathers, who passed away in the early 40’s, nearly twenty years before I was born, was a gasoline delivery truck driver for the Gulf Oil dealer in Calhoun, Georgia. One day when we were visiting my great-grandmother in the early 70’s, she opened up an old truck full of family artifacts, and among other things were at least 20 Gulf “orange disc” patches, in brand new condition, of the exact design of the sign in the photo above (the orange disc was updated to the current design the early 60’s). She told me she constantly replaced the patches on his uniforms, so he always looked his best. She gave me one of them, but regretfully it’s long gone.
Gulf, which originated in 1901 in a Texas oilfield, was “financed by and ultimately controlled by” Pittsburgh-based industrialist and banker (and later U.S. Secretary of the Treasury for eleven years starting in 1921) Andrew W. Mellon, according to Jakle and Sculle. Over a roughly 40-year period the company steadily expanded its reach - from Texas through Florida, to the Midwest, the Northeast and the Rocky Mountain states, Gulf stations could be found in each of the “Lower 48” by 1970. A key component of this expansion was Gulf’s 1960 acquisition of L.A. based Wilshire Oil Company, giving Gulf a 4 percent share of the area market. Five years later, the Wilshire stations were converted to the Gulf brand. These stations are easily identified in photographs today by their unique rectangular signs, which Gulf retrofitted nicely. Even more unique were the great space-age canopies that a number of the Wilshire stations featured.
Those of us whose families traveled a bit in the 60’s and 70’s are likely to remember the multitude of Holiday Inn-Gulf combinations along the highways, a partnership that began in 1963 and ran for nearly twenty years. And yes, your Gulf Travel Card could be used to pay for your hotel room! I still have an old Holiday Inn directory of my grandfather’s from 1973. Twelve to fifteen bucks a night in all but the most exclusive locations, and gas (until that fateful October, that is) was 35-40 cents a gallon.
Pummeled by OPEC price increases, the authors say, Gulf began to retrench in the early 70’s, going from 31,000 stations in 1968 to less than half that 15 years later, exiting the Midwest and West Coast entirely. In 1984, as a means of escaping a takeover bid from T. Boone Pickens’ Mesa Petroleum, Gulf fled to the waiting arms of Chevron, the former Standard Oil of California. The Gulf stations in the mid-south and southwest were retained by Chevron and ultimately converted to the Chevron brand name.
As expected, a large number of Gulf stations were sold off to satisfy antitrust requirements, including the aforementioned 5,600 stations in the southeastern U.S., sold to BP-controlled Standard Oil of Ohio and converted in 1991 to the BP brand. Framingham, Massachusetts convenience store retailer Cumberland Farms bought 550 locations in the northeast in 1985, and in January 2010 a Cumberland Farms-controlled company, Gulf Oil Limited Partnership, obtained full North American rights to the Gulf name from Chevron. Their plans for Gulf are ambitious - in just a year, according to a recent Quincy, Mass. Patriot-Ledger article, the number of Gulf stations has increased by ten percent to 2,310, Gulf is “preparing to re-enter Florida and Texas” and the company has signed sponsorship deals with baseball’s Atlanta Braves and Baltimore orioles. The “Orange Disc” may soon be coming back to a neighborhood near you!
One quick note about the photo – a closer look reveals an unusual “purple pump” there among the standard Gulf orange and blue. This was “Gulf Crest” gasoline – a super-premium blend that Gulf marketed from 1956 to 1961 (the name would be reintroduced later on) under the premise that one’s engine would benefit from filling up with Gulf Crest every 1000 miles, whilst burning cheaper Gulf No-Nox or the modestly named “Good Gulf” as a rule. Gulf Crest’s successful ad campaign was the brainchild of the ad agency Young & Rubicam’s Roy Eaton, one of the first African-American creative executives in Madison Avenue history. Eaton went on to create what is arguably the most memorable oil company tagline in history for another Y&R client, Texaco, in 1962 – “You can trust your car to the man who wears the star”.
Always one of my favorites as a kid, the Clark stations maintained a quaint “roadside” look well into the 1970’s. Billboards, small buildings with canted windows and globe-topped gas pumps (long after the competition had scrapped them) were part of the enduring Clark image. To my knowledge, Clark stations never featured auto service, another throwback to the earliest days of gasoline marketing. And until the advent of “lead-free” in the early 70’s, Clark sold only one grade of gas, called “Super 100”.
Despite all of this, their stations never seemed dated. As authors Henderson and Benjamin state, they “were quick to adopt modern marketing techniques and combine them with their traditional image”. This was manifested by prolific, clever TV advertising, and on the stations themselves with eye-catching signage on Clark buildings, and way cool tower signs with orbiting lights (seen in the photo above, circa 1962) that were known within the company as the “Circle of Service”. How can’t you love that?
The company’s beginnings were certainly humble. Starting out, according to Jakle and Sculle, with founder Emory T. Clark’s fourteen dollar investment in “a one-pump service station in Milwaukee”, there were 1,000 Clark stations blanketing the Midwest 30 years later. By this time Clark, had gained its own exploration and refining capabilities. In 1981, Emory Clark sold his interest in the company, the first of several ownership changes that would take place over the next couple of decades. For a while, Clark and the Chicago locations of White Hen Pantry, a former Jewel Companies brand, were under common ownership. The current corporate entity, Naperville, Illinois-based Clark Brands, was formed in 2003. The traditional Clark orange, black and white was long ago replaced with a two-toned blue color scheme with red and white accents.
One mid 70’s memory stands out for me - the price of cigarettes, of all things, at our local Clark station in Mount Prospect, where my Dad regularly stocked up on Trues or Kents, those fine exemplars of “better living through Lorillard research”. For the longest time it was 55 cents a pack, as the big orange sign attested. I think cigarettes are now 55 cents apiece in Cook County.

I know this last station isn’t much to look at. I mean, check it out – you got your garden variety outdoor display cases, you got your run-of-the-mill chrome-plated torpedo gas pumps, you got your standard-issue 30-foot-tall arachnocanopy and zig-zag awning. Heck, the average person probably passed five or six of these on the way to work in those days!
Not really, of course. This Sinclair station was a special edition, built for that great tribute to “The future that would never be”, the 1964-65 New York World’s Fair. This picture is from the wonderful 1966 book A Great Name in Oil : Sinclair Through Fifty Years. The Chicago-area Sinclair stations I remember were of much simpler design, but I really wasn’t paying much attention at that young age to the buildings, signs or pumps. What I was excited about was the promotional giveaway that Sinclair stations were known for at the time – a green styrofoam dinosaur, just like the famous one in their logo. Invariably, though, I would manage to snap the doggone head off of it within seconds of leaving the gas station (A sacrilege, I know. Like removing the “Ty” tag from a Beanie Baby.), and there was never any turning back. When Sinclair pulled out of Chicago, when I was six or so, these painful experiences came to an end.
Well, I hope you didn’t mind my changing the subject here, sorry it ran a bit long. To borrow a phrase from Andy Williams, “I can only hope those who (read this post) enjoyed themselves as much as those who didn’t.” Back to our regular retail subjects next time!
Cities Service, according to Jakle and Sculle, began as a “public service company that provided natural gas to customers in several northeastern metropolitan areas”. Oil was discovered as a byproduct of the company’s natural gas exploration, which ultimately led to a dedicated drilling and refining operation and of course, retail gasoline stations. Huge expansion followed, particularly in the southwest.
In 1965, Cities Service took a bold marketing step, scrapping their existing brand identity in favor of an “invented” word (ridiculously common in branding today, but a fairly novel idea at the time), “Citgo”, which Jakle and Sculle quote as standing for Cities Service (“Cit”), and “power, energy and progressive nature” (“go”). A massive ad campaign was undertaken, including the replacement of thousands of service station signs. The parent company would continue to use the Cities Service name and original logo for some years afterward.
That same year, the company bought out Boston-based Jenney Oil Company, gaining 450 New England-area stations in the deal. Some stations were sold off as well, according to Jakle and Sculle, including 2,300 Midwest-area stations to Gulf and a group of stations in western Pennsylvania, which would form the core of the Boron chain, owned by Standard Oil of Ohio.
In 1983 The Southland Corporation, parent of 7-Eleven, bought control of Citgo from Armand Hammer’s Occidental Petroleum Corporation, leading to a proliferation of Citgo pumps at 7-Eleven convenience stores all over, including many in the Chicago area that I don’t recall selling gas previously. (To this day the association continues in many locations.) Three years later, Southland sold half its interest to Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A., the state-owned Venezuelan oil company, who bought whole ownership of Citgo in 1990, leading to some exciting controversies that continue today.

Phillips was forced to trim back its territory to defend against a takeover advance by T. Boone Pickens, of latent alternative energy fame, who tried to gain control of the company in 1984. Pickens, an oilman whose career actually started with Phillips in the 1950’s, grabbed a multitude of headlines as a corporate raider in the 1980’s. Through his company, Mesa Petroleum, Pickens made a run at Unocal (Union 76), Cities Service (Citgo) and Gulf, among others. (I guess we might call this the original “Pickens Plan”.) Unsuccessful in his takeover attempts, he nonetheless walked away well compensated in most cases. In 2002, Phillips merged with Continental Oil Company to form ConocoPhillips, and the Phillips 66 shield continues to be a fixture of the American roadside.
The photo above, of an Anchorage, Alaska location circa 1964, depicts the classic Phillips prototype, always a strong personal favorite of mine. This design has interestingly (and wrongly) been credited to no less than Frank Lloyd Wright over the years because of the ever-so-slight resemblance of some design features to the lone gas station designed by Mr. Wright, which coincidentally happened to be a Phillips 66 unit. (I’m guessing Wright passed on the job because he was too busy working on the design for the Guggenheim. Or harmonizing till dawn with Art Garfunkel.)
Despite the fact that most existing examples haven’t sported the Phillips 66 brand in years, the unique features of these stations render them instantly recognizable – the distinctive latticework of the sign towers above all. Oftentimes these towers remain standing, even when the adjacent gas station has been radically altered or replaced altogether. (I’ve seen more than a few these standing with no sign at all on top – well-designed, rusty monuments that no one is willing to tear down.) The sharp-angled “V” canopies are another trademark. In only the rarest of cases would the red and white “semaphore” paint pattern have survived. The totem pole is unique to this particular Alaska location, of course. (And no, I don’t think that’s Russia in the background…but you never know.)

My only personal recollection of Skelly had to do with a long-closed station. In the late 90’s, I had frequent occasion to visit a customer in Ardmore, Oklahoma. I would fly into Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, rent a car, and start the two-hour trek straight north on I-35 to Ardmore. I was always amazed at the roadside relics that lined the frontage roads along the interstate once you crossed over into Oklahoma. Restaurants, gas stations, you name it – all clearly abandoned, but in decent enough shape that you couldn’t help hoping someone would come along and fix the places up. I was familiar with the old Skelly logo from road maps and photos I’d seen, but one day (in a nearby town called Gene Autry, Oklahoma, I kid you not), I spied a porcelain Skelly sign hanging on a pole, next to a wreck of a station that had to have been abandoned for years. Two thoughts crossed my mind – “Wow, Oklahomans are really nice!” and “They’re not interested in petroleum collectibles”. The next time I traveled there the sign was gone, leaving me wishing I’d brought along a ladder and socket wrench on my earlier travels. You could bring anything on a plane in those days…

It’s interesting to contrast “richest men in the world” during my childhood - the reclusive, mysterious Jean Paul Getty (and his even more reclusive, mysterious fellow billionaire Howard Hughes, who apparently sat around all day in a hermetically-sealed room, eating Baskin-Robbins) with the wealthiest people of the current day. At least we have an idea of what Warren Buffett and Bill Gates do, and what their lives are like. The 70’s were strange in some ways, for sure.
The following year, Getty bought San Francisco-based Associated Oil Company, originators of the Flying A trademark, and merged it with Tidewater. For a time the firm was known as the Tidewater Associated Oil Company. Eventually the Flying A brand superseded the Tydol and Associated names.
Two attempts to sell the West Coast portion of the business were made in the 1960’s. First up was Humble Oil and Refining Company, the operating division of Standard Oil of New Jersey, who hoped to convert the stations to Enco units. The purchase was spiked on antitrust grounds in 1963. The Enco name would show up in California, but Jersey Standard/Humble would have to build it up largely from scratch. Phillips Petroleum successfully tried to buy the division in 1966, and in short order the Flying A stations there were converted to the Phillips 66 banner.
In 1970, the East Coast Flying A stations were converted to the Getty name, and these later became part of Texaco as a result of that company’s very controversial purchase of Getty in 1984.

The Pure Oil Company is another firm with Ohio roots, having started out, as Jakle and Sculle inform us, in 1920 as the “Ohio Cities Gas Company, the natural gas utility for Columbus, Springfield and Dayton.” Here again, as with Cities Service, crude was discovered as a result of drilling for natural gas, and the company found itself in the oil business. The “Pure” name came with the acquisition of a Minnesota-based company “with a chain of stations in Minnesota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin”. With operations in the Upper Midwest and in Ohio, Chicago became the logical location for the company’s headquarters, and in 1926 they moved into the magnificent Pure Oil Building at 35 East Wacker Drive, a landmark that still stands. In 1950, Pure opened a huge research and development center in Northwest suburban Crystal Lake, and in the early 60’s they moved from the downtown HQ to a sprawling new complex near what would become the site of Woodfield Mall. (Later on, this complex became the Midwest regional headquarters for Union Oil, which is how I remember it. I later learned it had a Palatine address, which struck me as strange.)
In the decades that followed, Pure moved heavily into the Southeast while at the same time, they departed the Pennsylvania and New York markets, selling them to Gulf. In 1952, Jakle and Sculle tell us, they bought out the Hickok Oil Corporation, picking up “1,300 Hi-Speed stations in Michigan and Ohio”.
Pure, whose gas pumps featured a sleek “Firebird” logo, was an innovative marketer, and one area in which they excelled was in their truck stop operation. A number of Pure stations and truckstops featured “Aunt Jemima Pancake House” restaurants, through a licensing agreement with the Quaker Oats Company.
In 1965, Union Oil Company of California and Pure Oil merged, operating stations under both names for some years, converting all to the 76 brand starting in 1969. In 1992, the Pure and Firebird names made a comeback when a group of independent southeastern oil marketers picked up the long defunct trademarks a formed a co-op to launch a new generation of Pure stations, with the presumed goal of a nationwide chain. Clean rest rooms, clean windshields and friendly travel advice may be the ticket!

Gulf, which originated in 1901 in a Texas oilfield, was “financed by and ultimately controlled by” Pittsburgh-based industrialist and banker (and later U.S. Secretary of the Treasury for eleven years starting in 1921) Andrew W. Mellon, according to Jakle and Sculle. Over a roughly 40-year period the company steadily expanded its reach - from Texas through Florida, to the Midwest, the Northeast and the Rocky Mountain states, Gulf stations could be found in each of the “Lower 48” by 1970. A key component of this expansion was Gulf’s 1960 acquisition of L.A. based Wilshire Oil Company, giving Gulf a 4 percent share of the area market. Five years later, the Wilshire stations were converted to the Gulf brand. These stations are easily identified in photographs today by their unique rectangular signs, which Gulf retrofitted nicely. Even more unique were the great space-age canopies that a number of the Wilshire stations featured.
Those of us whose families traveled a bit in the 60’s and 70’s are likely to remember the multitude of Holiday Inn-Gulf combinations along the highways, a partnership that began in 1963 and ran for nearly twenty years. And yes, your Gulf Travel Card could be used to pay for your hotel room! I still have an old Holiday Inn directory of my grandfather’s from 1973. Twelve to fifteen bucks a night in all but the most exclusive locations, and gas (until that fateful October, that is) was 35-40 cents a gallon.
Pummeled by OPEC price increases, the authors say, Gulf began to retrench in the early 70’s, going from 31,000 stations in 1968 to less than half that 15 years later, exiting the Midwest and West Coast entirely. In 1984, as a means of escaping a takeover bid from T. Boone Pickens’ Mesa Petroleum, Gulf fled to the waiting arms of Chevron, the former Standard Oil of California. The Gulf stations in the mid-south and southwest were retained by Chevron and ultimately converted to the Chevron brand name.
As expected, a large number of Gulf stations were sold off to satisfy antitrust requirements, including the aforementioned 5,600 stations in the southeastern U.S., sold to BP-controlled Standard Oil of Ohio and converted in 1991 to the BP brand. Framingham, Massachusetts convenience store retailer Cumberland Farms bought 550 locations in the northeast in 1985, and in January 2010 a Cumberland Farms-controlled company, Gulf Oil Limited Partnership, obtained full North American rights to the Gulf name from Chevron. Their plans for Gulf are ambitious - in just a year, according to a recent Quincy, Mass. Patriot-Ledger article, the number of Gulf stations has increased by ten percent to 2,310, Gulf is “preparing to re-enter Florida and Texas” and the company has signed sponsorship deals with baseball’s Atlanta Braves and Baltimore orioles. The “Orange Disc” may soon be coming back to a neighborhood near you!
One quick note about the photo – a closer look reveals an unusual “purple pump” there among the standard Gulf orange and blue. This was “Gulf Crest” gasoline – a super-premium blend that Gulf marketed from 1956 to 1961 (the name would be reintroduced later on) under the premise that one’s engine would benefit from filling up with Gulf Crest every 1000 miles, whilst burning cheaper Gulf No-Nox or the modestly named “Good Gulf” as a rule. Gulf Crest’s successful ad campaign was the brainchild of the ad agency Young & Rubicam’s Roy Eaton, one of the first African-American creative executives in Madison Avenue history. Eaton went on to create what is arguably the most memorable oil company tagline in history for another Y&R client, Texaco, in 1962 – “You can trust your car to the man who wears the star”.

Despite all of this, their stations never seemed dated. As authors Henderson and Benjamin state, they “were quick to adopt modern marketing techniques and combine them with their traditional image”. This was manifested by prolific, clever TV advertising, and on the stations themselves with eye-catching signage on Clark buildings, and way cool tower signs with orbiting lights (seen in the photo above, circa 1962) that were known within the company as the “Circle of Service”. How can’t you love that?
The company’s beginnings were certainly humble. Starting out, according to Jakle and Sculle, with founder Emory T. Clark’s fourteen dollar investment in “a one-pump service station in Milwaukee”, there were 1,000 Clark stations blanketing the Midwest 30 years later. By this time Clark, had gained its own exploration and refining capabilities. In 1981, Emory Clark sold his interest in the company, the first of several ownership changes that would take place over the next couple of decades. For a while, Clark and the Chicago locations of White Hen Pantry, a former Jewel Companies brand, were under common ownership. The current corporate entity, Naperville, Illinois-based Clark Brands, was formed in 2003. The traditional Clark orange, black and white was long ago replaced with a two-toned blue color scheme with red and white accents.
One mid 70’s memory stands out for me - the price of cigarettes, of all things, at our local Clark station in Mount Prospect, where my Dad regularly stocked up on Trues or Kents, those fine exemplars of “better living through Lorillard research”. For the longest time it was 55 cents a pack, as the big orange sign attested. I think cigarettes are now 55 cents apiece in Cook County.

I know this last station isn’t much to look at. I mean, check it out – you got your garden variety outdoor display cases, you got your run-of-the-mill chrome-plated torpedo gas pumps, you got your standard-issue 30-foot-tall arachnocanopy and zig-zag awning. Heck, the average person probably passed five or six of these on the way to work in those days!
Not really, of course. This Sinclair station was a special edition, built for that great tribute to “The future that would never be”, the 1964-65 New York World’s Fair. This picture is from the wonderful 1966 book A Great Name in Oil : Sinclair Through Fifty Years. The Chicago-area Sinclair stations I remember were of much simpler design, but I really wasn’t paying much attention at that young age to the buildings, signs or pumps. What I was excited about was the promotional giveaway that Sinclair stations were known for at the time – a green styrofoam dinosaur, just like the famous one in their logo. Invariably, though, I would manage to snap the doggone head off of it within seconds of leaving the gas station (A sacrilege, I know. Like removing the “Ty” tag from a Beanie Baby.), and there was never any turning back. When Sinclair pulled out of Chicago, when I was six or so, these painful experiences came to an end.
Well, I hope you didn’t mind my changing the subject here, sorry it ran a bit long. To borrow a phrase from Andy Williams, “I can only hope those who (read this post) enjoyed themselves as much as those who didn’t.” Back to our regular retail subjects next time!
Gas stations are certainly as much a part of Americana as discount-department stores. For my money, this post is very welcome.
ReplyDeleteA minor correction is due, however. 7-eleven was purchased outright by the former Japanese franchiser of the brand in 2005. The "upscaling" of certain locations and new lines of merchandise are a reflection of this new owner. During 2006 the Citgo brand was dropped throughout the chain. In Texas, for example, most 7-eleven locations are selling spot-market gas, although a few conquest franchisers (former RaceTrac and On the Road) are selling other brands. Often, the revived Texaco.
I wonder if Conoco changed the triangle to the capsule because of pressure from the YMCA/YWCA which had the same identical logo back then?
ReplyDeleteHey Dave-
ReplyDeleteThere are 2 Sinclair Gas Stations in Wisconsin Dells. They sell small "Sinclair Dinosaur" blow up toys and key chains. There is also a huge Sinclair Dinosaur infront of the place where we have seen people take pictures with. Pretty neat!
The fictional city in Back to the Future is called Hill Valley, not Mill Valley.
ReplyDeleteMarty McFly's fictional home town was HILL Valley. Mill Valley is an actual town in Marin County, California.
ReplyDeleteFirst gas station I remember going to must have been the Union 76 in Los Angeles. I still have a 76 souvenir antennae ball! Later when we moved to Texas, in the late 60's to mid 70's, my mom usually filled up at a local Mobil station where the owner or a family member would provide us with "full service", generating the same memories you have.
ReplyDeleteAmazingly enough, we have a Shell station just up the road, now, that is owned by a family group (of brothers, I believe) that will still provide full service, if you would like! No little tray for the credit card, but tire repairs, state inspections and other services are still readily offered there!
Clark was our "hometown" brand. When I started driving cigarettes were a quarter, you pulled up, told the attendant what kind you wanted and he went in a brought them out to you!
ReplyDeleteThose were the days.
Don in Beertown
ReplyDeleteWhen I was little, that Conoco/Y similarity also intrigued me. And there is a connection between the two.
The story, as I read it: Continental Oil inherited the trademark from Marland Oil, which it purchased in the '20s. Marland used the red triangle ... which indeed originated with the YMCA. Marland's founder, Ernest Marland, was a huge benefactor of the YMCA, and wanted to use the triangle as a tribute to his "pet" organization. The Y gave its blessing, and the rest is history.
FANTASTIC post. It could have been twice as long and I'd still eat it whole.
Great photos, excellent commentary! This has to be one of my all-time favorites of your posts.
ReplyDeletewow, this was a great history of the various gas station brands! I remember Flying A and Sinclair well from my childhood. Something about the Flying A and the dinosaur were fascinating to me. Of course the Pegasus at Mobil was also of interest. Very interesting post!
ReplyDeleteA few bits of additional trivia:
ReplyDeletePhillips 66 briefly had stations in all 50 states during the mid-to-late 60s.
Mobil curtailed construction of new stations for quite a while shortly after introducing their 1960s prototype. Retailing is less profitable than exploration and they went through a period where they focused on the more profitable side of the business. The earliest of these stations did not include Pegagsus which also had been removed from their print ads. The white discs with Pegasus were subsequently added to the stations.
Atlantic-Richfield had two HQs for awhile. When the one in Philly closed, the East Coast Prexie happened to be head of the local Chamber of Commerce with responsibility for attracting new business. Sun started in Toledo and maintained a large base there, but had their longtime HQ in Philly. Their cheapest grade "190" had lower octane than what was recommended for most cars, but was usually a penny or two cheaper than other brands' "regular". The next highest grade was comparable to the octane in other brands' regular but usually cost more. This was fairly well known to car fans, but only became obvious after stations were required to list octane ratings.
Clark entered the Cleveland market by giving Top Value Stamps at all their stations. This caused problems because trading stamp contracts were based on exclusive territories. My guess is that they had pay extra so that Top Value could compensate the pre-existing customers nearby with more favorable than usual contracts.
Clark stations were much like those of the local Gastown chain in format, which had their own proprietary trading stamp program and usually retailed gas for a penny or two less than the majors. Gastown had been slow to add new stations or upgrade its marketing during the 60s. Marathon eventually bought Gastown during the 70s and converted the stations to Speedway.
Long before the domestic consolidation of gas stations, Standard of California & Texaco had an international joint venture known as "CalTex" which operated stations and did exploration in foreign countries, particularly in Asia. The CalTex name has been retained for the time being in those markets.
The various standards often had joint credit card agreements. SOHIO cards could be used outside Ohio at Esso, Amoco/Standard, and Standard of Kentucky stations among others.
SOHIO used construction of the interstate system to expand Boron's reach. They purposefully had Boron stations at every exit of I-75 from the Kentucky suburbs of Cincinnati to Corbin, KY. They also remodeled many older stations so that they included some design elements of the sharp edge, rectangular stations that they rolled out in the 60s. They operated the Dutch pantry chain of family restaurants, but i don't think these were related to Stouffer. In fact, they entered the roadside hotel business with their Hospitality Motor Inns at about the same time that Stouffer began building its upscale hotels. Stouffer had evolved from a lunch counter to a chain of moderately upscale restaurants before entering the frozen food business. They subsequently began using new restaurant concepts (unlike the frozen foods) and began phasing out the namesake restaurants.
The redesign of logos in the 60s roughly paralleled the introduction of the iconic station prototypes in the pics. Too bad you don't have examples of the iconic porcelain clad "loaf of bread" designs that were used by virtually every major chain after WWII. Jewel super markets used a variation on this for many of their freestanding supermarkets during the 50s and also used with Eisner's after buying that chain. A few of those stores survived into the 80s as Jewels.
there is a texaco gas station in la grande, oregon that has been restored. they actually sell gas there--and since it is in oregon, they pump it for you. i had a great time talking with the owner, and it really brought back memories of traveling with mom, dad, brother, sister and grandmother years ago and stopping at stations like that. since i am a little inept, i do not know how to include a picture--but if you google search for this, and look at the image selection, you will see some terrific pictures of the place.
ReplyDeleteGreat job!
ReplyDeleteLots of memories!
Wow, this brings back a lot of memories! On the nearest commercial street to the house I grew up in, Pacific Beach, San Diego CA, there were several of these stations. We had a Flying A station, where we usually bought gas. This did become a Phillips 66 station in the mid 60's. Across the street there was a Richfield that later became an ARCO. Two blocks down the street, there was a Wilshire station, and another one branded Signal. There was also a Shell station that was torn down and replaced with an American station, later converted and still operating as Thrifty Oil. These were all in close proximity to our Alpha Beta store, which still operates as an Albertson's.
ReplyDeleteGas stations seem to have sort of gone away, sad that they are mostly all corporate owned rather than franchised to individual owners who made a decent living running them.
Dave, thanks for this wonderful post which brought back so many memories. I was born in ’56 and from an early age was a “car kid” – I loved cars, knew every model by sight, and that carried over into things associated with cars, like gas stations and garages.
ReplyDeleteLiving in Canada, we had a mixture of U.S. and Canadian brands in the ‘60s. Esso was big here, sponsoring Hockey Night in Canada on CBC every Saturday night, and Texaco also had a Canadian arm. White Rose (which became Shell), B-A (which became Gulf), Fina, and Irving were ones that I recall as being exclusively Canadian or seldom seen in the US until recent years. Prior to the advent of bank credit cards, each oil company marketed their own card, and I remember Dad had a little holder in the glove compartment containing all his gas credit cards. I well remember the little clipboard and carbon-copy charge slips.
In the mid-60s we would usually take a car vacation to the eastern US every summer and I was fascinated with the new brands of gas stations that seemed far more exciting than ours. I always urged him to stop at the ones that we didn’t have back home. The backs of dad’s credit cards had pictures of all the US stations his card would be honored at. The Esso card was complicated, honored at Esso, Humble, Mobil, Enco, and certain Standard stations, depending on where you were. Fina also had some cross-marketing arrangements back then.
Based solely on their signage and station design, I had several favorites: Phillips 66 (just a neat 60’s name), Sinclair (for the dinosaur), Mobil (for both the Pegasus and the cool cylindrical pumps), and Sunoco, for their blue color scheme and their sharp custom-blended pumps. The newer stations along the interstates and near new ‘60s shopping centers always seemed bigger, brighter and having a lot more going on than our sleepy little gas pump and grease pit operations. We always collected as many free road maps as we could from these stations along the way – something else that is long gone.
Thanks for bringing back some great memories.
You know what I miss are the old fluorescent parking lot lights like in the Conoco and Skelly photos. They looked great and the light wasn't as obnoxious as the pink-orange sodium lights that replaced them.
ReplyDeleteI loved the old oil companies like Skelly and DX. Sinclair has always been one of my favorites. That station in the Sinclair photo is amazing. And just when I finally got used to saying Amoco instead of Standard, now it's BP. Argh.
In the 1940s, the broadcasts of The Metropolitan Opera were sponsered by "The Texas Company and in Canada by The McCall-Frontenac Oil Company". After one of these, an announcer for a country music program said,"You've just heard grand opera, now here's Grand Old Opery."
ReplyDeleteThis made my Monday so much brighter!
ReplyDeleteI still remember when Arco took over Sinclair in Chicagoland, summer 1970. Commercials showed the dinosaur walking away, sadly.
Arco left in the 90s, but now AM/PM is back at BP stations here.
And lastly, seems like Shell built a gas station on every corner by 1973. Now, in the city, some have been torn down and filled back in with storefront buildings.
Fascinating post! You really should do a book on this subject.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this post, and learned a lot in the process! This also brought back a lot of memories from my youth. I was 8 years old when I saw one of those "strange" self-serve gas stations; of course, I had to learn how to pump gas! I also remember my parents freaking out in the 70's because gas was up to ::gasp:: 50 cents a gallon! I used to get free maps at the Standard station and look at them for hours. (And yeah, I'm still a map geek.)
ReplyDeleteFast forward to 2005, when I was passing through Oregon on my honeymoon--we pulled into a station to get gas--and an attendant came out and politely informed us there was no self-serve in Oregon. Both my husband and I were floored!
Thanks for the great post! :)
Great post on gas stations. Speaking of stations that show up in movies, I was watching the pilot episode of Adam 12 last night on DVD (birthday gift from my sister). Sure enough, in one scene, there's a Shell station visible in the b/g. Square in the middle of several shots, on the gas station tarmac, there's a perfectly positioned first generation Dodge Charger fastback. Wonder if Chrysler had it put there?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone remember discount stores that existed in Minnesota under the Holiday banner? Holiday gas stations still exist, but the stores aren't around anymore. Also, does anyone know anything about the Pacific 66 gas chain that existed in parts of Canada? In Winnipeg, we had many of those stations (most of which were designed to look like Phillips stations in the U-S--right down to the logo and the canopy over the pump island). The brand disappeared when Petro Canada took them over in 1980.
What a superbly fascinating post! Both Phillips 66 and Gulf had stations in California until c.1977. Also, I'm not sure if you mentioned this, but back in that "golden age" they published road maps.
ReplyDeleteGreat photos! I'm pretty sure the Esso was in Charlotte, one of several experimental designs built there in the early 1960s. I think I can get a firm address, as well as the location of several others.
ReplyDeleteYou mentioned my book, "Gas Stations". We are looking at a remake, with a number of color photos.
Let me know if you would like a link to our website for Petroleum Collectibles Monthly, www.pcmpublishing.com.
Contact me directly if you want to use some more photos.
Wayne Henderson
Kernersville, NC
This took me a while to read, but wow - it was like stepping into a time machine! Fabulous writing, as always. (Especially the credit card clipboard - I can still see my father at the Mobil tearing up the carbons.) Ahh, to once again stick my head out the window on a hot summer night while the full-lead gas fumes go up. I miss the "service station" aspect of these places; when we went to "convenience stores" everything kind of fell apart. Dave, I hope you go off-topic again very soon! (I love the Jakle and Sculle books. I have the "Fast Food - Roadside Restaurants in the Automobile Age" book if you want to borrow it! ;<)
ReplyDeleteI love gas stations (and this post was good), but some are offing my favorite designs. It's difficult to find a Diamond Shamrock from the 1980s (most converted or renovated a few years back), or a Shell sign with the solid red background, or even Chevron before they redesigned their logo.
The Bradys may not have grown up in a gas station, but they were huffing something other than exhaust fumes given their corniness!
ReplyDeleteGas stations, eh? Not something I've ever waxed nostalgic about, but it was a really interesting read.
I can see the connection to supermarkets though -- gas stations are mostly self-serve now, along with the ever-increasing presence of self-checkout machines in the supermarket. I always feel like I'm playing a weird arcade game every time I make the mistake of using one of those! ("Fast, Easy, and Fun," my rear! Oh, the modern age ...!)
Great post, so worth the wait! Cheers!
ReplyDeleteA bunch of brands I haven't thought about in years, and very well done.
ReplyDeleteGreat article! Fina (American Petrofina) was in many ways the "hippest" petroleum retailer of the 1960s, with its "pink air" promotion and its Peter-Max-inspired "Fina with Pflash! Pfantastic!" ad campaign. (Fina even commissioned a rock song extolling the virtues of Fina with Pflash!, said song used extensively on radio and TV CMs.) I remember the Fina station at Big Town Mall in Mesquite, Texas (now demolished) being decked out in enough psychedelic Pflash! gear to pass as a head shop. Those were the days.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to know more about Fina marketing in the 1960s, especially the Pflash! campaign.
Gulf Oil out West (CA/AZ/NV/WA/OR)was a whole different animal than the rest of the Gulf operations. They were the acquired operations of Wilshire Oil(who orginally sold under the "Polly Gas" brand before being bought by Gulf)and Blakely Oil(best known for its giveaways of glassware with cactus scenes and its rocket logo). Thus Gulf had 3 different station designs out west..the ex-Wilshires with the "sail" canopies; the ex-Blakely stations with multiple rows of pumps under a big canopy and a kiosk for the attendant; and a 60s-70s ranch design. Most used the rectangular Gulf logo (the white "Gulf" banner from the disc logo on an orange background)- a reuse of the existing Wilshire and Blakely signs - with smaller disc logos attached to the canopy poles and the buildings. They also sold a midgrade gas called "Half&Half" (Originally sold by Wilshire)along with No-Nox and Good Gulf.
ReplyDeleteAs a result of the 70s oil embargo Gulf reduced its operations out west, pulling out of the Northwest and N California entirely and concentrating on its more profitable S California and Ariz market. In those markets most of the company-owned Gulfs were changed to self-serve gas sales only stations called GO-LO, yet there were still a handful of Gulf dealers (I remember seeing one in Hollywood in 1984 still using the rectangle logo). Those went away when Chevron bought Gulf along with the sale of the GO-LO stations to Thrifty oil (of which some of those stations are still operating today as ARCOs)
Angrystan – I agree, gas stations are every bit as much as part of Americana, if not more so. I’ve chosen to focus more on the old supermarkets and discount stores, etc. here, but if it’s a chain operation from the 50’s through the 70’s – gas station, restaurant, motel, discounter or grocery store – chances are I’m a fan!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the correction. I was aware that 7-Eleven has been Japanese-owned for some years now, but didn’t know they dropped the Citgo brand. I believe a few Chicago locations may still feature Citgo gas, so that’s what I was basing my comments on. Thanks again!
David – Upon reading your comment, I realized the close similarity between the old YWCA logo and the Conoco triangle. Russell Wells’ comment above tells the story behind it. As far as Conoco changing to the “capsule” logo, I think they just wanted to modernize. I believe the YMCA changed their logo a good while back as well. Thanks!
Snoopygirl – The Sinclair brand has really made a nice comeback in recent years, and it sounds like they haven’t lost their marketing knack! They always knew how to appeal to kids especially. It seemed like I was passing through the Dells all the time until a few years ago, and I’m hoping to bring my family up there this summer. We’ll have to check out the Sinclair. Thanks!
Anonymous 1 and 2 – Thanks for helping me save face by pointing this out! ;) The correction from Mill Valley to Hill Valley has been made. Seems I always have California towns on the brain. As many times as I’ve seen “Back to the Future” (including four times at the theatre in 1985 – a record I’m not likely to ever break), I probably should have remembered!
Julie in Texas – Sounds like our Union 76 and Mobil memories are similar – wonderful stuff, right? The Shell station you mention, with the family ownership and full service is a rarity anymore. Thanks for the comment!
Don – As a kid I always assumed that Clark was a Chicago-based brand, because it certainly seemed like a hometown institution. I learned later on about its Milwaukee heritage. What is amazing is how long Emory Clark managed to retain control of the company, even after the oil industry came under so many pressures.
I think I remember them bringing cigarettes out to my Dad as well, although I think prices had increased well beyond a quarter by then.
Russell – First of all, let me say I’m a huge fan of Birmingham Rewound! You have a remarkable site –when reading it I almost feel like I grew up there (instead of 700 miles away)!
Thanks also for that fascinating bit of history behind the Conoco logo. I’ll make a note of it on the post!
Steve – Very glad that you liked this one – much appreciated as always!
Mauigirl – Thanks so much, I’m glad that you found it interesting! Those brands and mascots must have had a powerful impact on us as kids, since many of us remember them so fondly.
Anonymous 3- Thanks for that treasure trove of information! I should have mentioned the fact the earliest “Noyes Mobils” had dropped the Pegasus logos, the desired emphasis being on the new Mobil wordmark. It’s my understanding that Mobil came under criticism for this and decided to restore the Pegasus(es?), enclosing them in the white disc in order to be consistent with the new design.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting notes about Arco and about Clark’s entry into Cleveland as well. Sounds like the gas companies’ relationships with trading stamps were even more fitful than those of the supermarkets. And it does appear that several of the ex-Standard Oil companies tended to accept each other’s credit cards.
Regarding the “loaf of bread” porcelain-clad stations, I’m wondering of your referring to the “ice box” designs. I do show one of those examples in the section about Gulf. Growing up in the Chicago area, I definitely remember the porcelain Jewel Food stores, though a great many of them were replaced with much larger Jewel-Osco combination stores through the 60’s and 70’s. I have several photographs of the “loaf of bread” Jewels (never heard that term before!) and will need to feature them here one day. Thanks again!
Jdknbw15 – Thanks for the tip on the La Grande, Oregon Texaco station. Wow, that is one beautiful station! Amazing restoration job. Thanks again!
Anonymous 4 – Thanks very much - glad it brought some memories back for you!
David – I’m glad! I’d love to have seen an example of a Flying A station – they always look so cool in photos. Corporate-owned or not, the stations of today seem pretty boring by comparison. Thanks!
Greg – You’re welcome, and thanks for your kind words and for sharing those great memories. I was born a few years later (1963) but I can relate to your “know every model by sight” comment – it was so much easier in the past when year-to-year model changes were much more extensive. I have a really cool circa late 50’s photo of a Loblaws grocery store with an Imperial Esso station (if they sponsored the “Hockey Night” broadcast they must have been big there!) next door that I’ll need to put on here one day. It seems that many of the major American gas brands either marketed directly in Canada or at minimum had credit card acceptance agreements there.
Looks like you caught a good look at the “golden age” on your family trips to the eastern U.S. – very cool. Thanks again!
Armpit Studios – Those old light standards were great-looking, I agree! The fluorescent tubes certainly provided a more pleasing light. I’m sure the cost or maybe the sheer size of the fixtures drove the changes.
Sinclair has always been a favorite of mine, as well!
Anonymous 5 – Thanks for that bit of info. Texaco was always at the forefront when it came to nationwide broadcast ads. I wonder if any oil companies sponsored the Grand Ole Opry broadcasts that followed the Met?
Tomcat – Thanks very much – I’m glad it did! You know, I ‘m surprised that I can’t remember those Arco/Sinclair commercials. I was 7 at the time, living in the NW suburbs of Chicago and watching a ridiculous amount of TV! ;)
Toemail – Much appreciated. You never know!
Kim – Thanks so much! The whole self-serve thing was strange at first, as odd as that may sound now. And my folks freaked out over gas prices as well! I can remember when it hit 63 cents a gallon in Rolling Meadows - like a foreshadowing of doom! ;)
ReplyDeleteI love gas station maps also (actually all kinds), and really should have mentioned them in the post. I’m going to try to fix that.
I haven’t been to Oregon, but when I took my first business trip to NJ years back I was (pleasantly) surprised about the “no self-serve” law. The price of gas there was actually cheaper than many other places I’d recently been to. Thanks again!
Tsalzen – Thanks very much. My bet is that Chrysler supplied the car as “promotional consideration” as they used to say. (I was a huge Adam-12 fan as a kid, and I can remember how bummed I was when it was cancelled.)
The Holiday chain was a very important pioneer in the area of gas station/convenience store combinations. Wish I’d had time to track down a color photo of one, I would have certainly included it. I’m not familiar with Pacific 66, but perhaps someone can fill us in.
Randy – Very much appreciated! I didn’t mention the maps, and will try to put a brief addendum on here about them. Thanks again.
Wayne - It’s an honor to hear from you - thanks so much! I will make a note on the Esso pic.
I would love to see an updated edition of “Gas Stations”! I can’t tell you how many enjoyable hours I’ve spent over the years with that book. I’ve added a link to Petroleum Collectibles Monthly on the site.
And I will definitely take you up on your offer. I’ll contact you directly. Thanks again!
Adrienne – Once again, thanks!
Those were fun times, for sure. I never minded the gas smell, but what I really loved was the smell of new tires. Still do. (T.M.I., I know!) I just recently learned of Jakle and Sculle’s other books – now those are my idea of scholarly subjects! I may need to borrow it from you. :)
Pseudo3D - I remember the Diamond Shamrock stations from my Texas and Oklahoma travels. I think Chevron’s is one of the better logo redesigns.
Nightdragon - Helium, I think! ;) Thanks – glad you found it interesting. Supermarkets are a bit behind when it comes to self-checkout (been self-serve for a long time, though!). I’m with you on the “fast, easy and fun” part!
Jack – Great to hear from you, hope everything is well with you and yours! Glad you liked this.
Rechercher – Thanks for your kind comment. I hadn’t thought about many of them for years either before embarking on the research for this post. Lots of change since those golden years!
Bruce – I never would have guessed about that psychedelic Fina ad campaign –very cool! Maybe I’ll come across something and can pass it on. I know there are still some Fina stations around, particularly in the southwest. Those certainly were the days. Thanks!
Jamcool – Thanks very much for that additional info on the West Coast Gulf Oil operations. Great stuff! Those “sail canopy” Wilshire stations (didn’t know the correct name for it until now –thanks!) are among the most interesting I’ve ever seen. Thanks again!
I personally loved the post. I was as little long (took me three work lunch periods to read it all), but it was VERY informative.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with other posters in that gas stations are a port of American Retail History.
Additionally, I agree with the authors of the Books that you quote that several of the gas stations are architectural works of art.
Kct – They need to give you a longer lunch hour! ;)
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I’m glad you found it informative. Thanks!
Danny – Those commercials are fantastic, thanks for posting those links! They’re easily among the best I’ve seen. The Sunoco one must have been taken from the original film – it’s rare to see a color commercial from that era in such good shape, without fading or color distortion. The Pure commercial is a great example of the wonderful creativity of that era. Fun stuff!
I hope things are going well with you!
There are some Fina stores in central Texas (Waco). I remember seeing one west of Waco (Gainesville?) in block letters for the sign: F I N A.
ReplyDeleteI also remember there was one near my late grandfather's house that obviously used to be a Fina but was stripped of all signage. It seemed to be open intermittedly.
Dave - I'm a big fan of jingles, so anything with a catchy commercial jingle catches my attention. The Sunoco and Pure Firebird commercials both had a very muscular sound to them; The Pure jingle was catchy enough that I couldn't get it out of my head for a long time ... "Fire up, with Firebird Super ... 'It's the closest thing to racing gasoline' ... at the BIG! BLUE! Pure Oil Sign!" Besides, you gotta love the dapper look of people in the 1960's (both their clothes and their cars).
ReplyDeleteI'm also as big of a geek as you are when it comes to this stuff as you are, so here are a few more links with classic gasoline commercials.
Two of the following three use the same jingle.
Enco Extra Gasoline 1964
Enco Extra Gasoline 1964
Esso Tigerino Game - 1966
Esso Tigerino Game - 1966
1960's Esso Commercial (United States)
1960's Esso Commercial (United States)
These commercials are from overseas and many also use the same jingle.
Esso Ad - United Kingdom
(cool jingle)
Esso Ad - United Kingdom
Esso Ad from the Latin America
Esso Ad from the Latin America
Esso Ad from the Japan
Esso Ad from the Japan
Esso Commercial Germany
Esso Commercial Germany
Thore Skogman sings "Tigern i Tanken" for Esso in 1965 (I have a tiger in my tank.)
Thore Skogman
Mobil safety commercials for Australia and the United States. The first one is awesome.
Mobil Commercial "Driving"
Mobil Commercial 1
Mobil Commercial "Demonstration" 1966 (US)">Mobil Commercial 2
Mobil "Circle Of Safety" - Australia 1
Mobil Commercial 3
Mobil "Circle Of Safety" - Australia 2
Mobil Commercial 4
Mobil "Circle Of Safety" - Australia 3
Mobil Commercial 5
1958 Atlantic Gasoline Commmercial
1958 Atlantic Gasoline Commmercial
One more:
ReplyDeleteThe American Version:
Enco Commercial USA
The German Version:
Esso Commercial Germany
Here's a vintage piece of footage from Phillips 66 that's probably going to set a few sets of teeth on edge:
ReplyDeletePhillips 66 Girl Watcher Attendants
Just remember: this was the '60s.
Loved, loved, loved this piece! Even though it took me a couple of weeks to read the piece (And since then it has taken me at least three weeks to sit down and comment). I can't relate to much of the vintage gas station looks except for seeing it in current form because I sure as heck didn't pay much attention to gas stations or its archiecture back in the day. But I do recall some things. I remember Sohio quite well. When I was a child growing up in Cleveland there was a Sunoco my dad would go to frequently off the interstate. I just remember at 6 and 7 years old thinking that was one cool sign. A couple of years later we moved to Chicago and I only recall one Sunoco station in the city, right on (I think) Lincoln and Grace across the street from a Butera we would shop at. It's now condos while the Butera is a Trader Joes that my husband and I sometimes go to.
ReplyDeleteI remember when I was a teenager or maybe a preteen, this might have been sometime in the early to mid 90s, my dad was telling someone that came to visit from the old country that when he and my mother first immigrated to Ohio back in 1974 that gas station attendments would come out to your car, pump your gas, check all of your issues and afterwards with a sad tinge in his voice he mentioned that now no one comes out. For some reason this always stuck with me and still has just like the Sunoco sign I could never forget.
Hi Uncle Dave! Nice site!!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous (Niece)- Thanks! How are you?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the travel memories that came flooding back. My "gasoline memories" go back to my dad complaining that gas had gone up to 28 cents a gallon (1960s sometime). When we took our first cross country trip I kept track of the gas prices and the car mileage in my travel diary. Gas was 67 cents a gallon when we left Rhode Island and 77 cents a gallon when we got to California. My dad was incredulous. I also remember the turnover from Atlantic to ARCO; ARCO is where I bought my gas when I first started driving, as they were the cheapest in the neighborhood. Many fond memories of the old logos, including the Flying Horse and the Flying "A"!
ReplyDeleteDave, about that Skelly in Colorado Springs, I so happened to drive right into the parking lot of the building that occupies this (and no doubt the now-demolished house beside the old station!) site. Unfortunately, the present building is forlornly vacant and awaits some new life. I do believe an old Skelly, now a tobacco store, still exists at the corner of my neighborhood, here. I should take a photo & post it on your fb page. I am trying to figure out what store a fantastic 1960 combo super market/pharmacy was just across the street from the old gas station, and was searching your blog. I should send you a photo of that too!
ReplyDeleteJulie - I'd love to see the photo of the Skelly as it appears today. About the supermarket/pharmacy combo store you mentioned, please do post a photo when you get a chance, and maybe someone can help us identify it. Thanks very much!
ReplyDeleteConocoPhillips is in the process of splitting into two companies. They just recently announced that the refining and marketing(gas stations) part of the company will use the old Phillips 66 name. The current ConocoPhilips gas stations here in California use the old (Union)76 logo. I would assume these stations will all change to use 'Phillips 66' after the split, which is due by mid 2012.
ReplyDeleteBTW, great site, just discovered it the other day. Still working through all the posts. Brings back alot of memories.
ReplyDeleteRobGems.ca wrote:
Nice article on gas stations. In Michigan, there were once Sinclair stations (later bought out by Arco in the 70's, then by Sunoco in the 80's),Gulf stations (bought out by Mobil and Marathon stations),and Pure Stations (gone by the 70's). There were also many oddball gas stations that no longer exsist in Michigan, but were once thriving with names like Tulsa, Zephyr,Martin, Kayo,Total,and Gas N' Go (once a part of the giant Boron/Sohio conglomerate, but since then eliminated by B.P. Oil.) A more recent independent gas station conglomerate named Spirit briefly flowed in the early 2000's then went belly-up in 2009.Any chances of these small, independent firms to be mentioned in another gas station article in the future?
Mind? MIND?!?!? I love it. Hope youre not offended, but this is probably my favourite post of the site [so far] Being a] a car guy , b] a gas station nut. c] my Dad being a research engineer for Pan American nee Standard of Indiana nee Amoco and now regrettably BP who knew Mr Swearingen personally and d] being from Tulsa which used to host 11 major oil comapany installations, I love this stuff. Plus, we had familt friends that owned a Sinclair station and another who had a Skelly up until I was a teenager.
ReplyDeleteThanks especially for the photo of the round DX station - there was one at the corner of 51st and Yale here, that no one seems to remember. Dont forget too, that several DX stations had a pump for Sunoco 260 racing Gasoline back in the day...Theres a can of DX Super Sport oil sitting on a shelf a few feet from me as I type...
I could go on for hours about this stuff, but time, space, nor the webmaster's [or readers] patience will allow. Just thank you for this interesting and informative entry.
does anyone have any information on the old imperial gas stations, my father owned an imperial gas station in the mid 60s to the mid 70s and it was a big part of my life, I would love to read the history of imperial and see some photos,,,,,thanks!
ReplyDeletea wee little correction: It was in December 1971, not 1972 that Enco stations were to be rebadged with the Exxon name. 1971-72 was my first year of high school & the car bug was starting to bite very bad,,LOL. The last station I remember the bear the Enco name in Phoenix, AZ was in May, 1972
ReplyDeleteHelp I'm in my early 50`s and I'm going crazy I have been online for hours looking for this ,event that happened in Chicago when I was a kid you would go to the gas station and if my father filled up his tank ,they would give you live goldfish in plastic bag w/water and tied at the top ...... someone from Chicago please help me with this memory no one seem to remember but me and I don't know why but ....it's part of the memory of my father and I!?!!?
ReplyDeleteI remember spending time at the DX circle station (51st and Yale, Tulsa) during construction, and going there while parents bought fuel. My Dad was head of design and construction of their stations through the midwest during that era. He designed that station and oversaw construction.
ReplyDeleteYou did not mention why the Middle East organized and raised the price per barrel, it was because of the evolved 4 cylinders that were about to flood America. Everyone thinks the 4's were brought in for the price increase which it was the other way around. Just like most recent years, the Hybrd Electrics.
ReplyDeleteI am 59 years old and was a child of the 60's being raised in Columbus, Ohio and many of these iconic gas stations were alive and well when I was a kid. I loved the Sinclair Dinosaur, the Texaco "Star" and the friendly Sohio station seemingly on every other corner! I too could name every make, model, and year of every car back then as the Big "4" changed their styling each year. I really enjoyed reading your blog...Great Job!
ReplyDeleteMy family and I had come back to Oklahoma in April of 1978 to visit family, when we had stopped at a gas /service station off I-40 in the western part Oklahoma.
ReplyDeleteMy dad and I wonder if anyone could help us remember the name if the stations, because I can remember the big red and yellow signs along I-40. It started with a "W" and if I remember right, it was "Something and Sons".
I had family that worked for the oil companies, both here in Oklahoma, and in California. Such history is out there for these lost icons.
Thank you for your wonderful curating — I and trying to locate info or images of a multi-story Conoco gas station in Aspen Colorado in summer of 1970 — we were traveling from Texas and had never seen gas stations more than a single story, this one looked like the toy gas stations you could buy from Sears catalogs during the Sixties — I seem to remember this station had a plaque on the wall saying something like "Conoco Station of the Year" or such — any info/images you can offer — thanks